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Mother breastfeeding her baby

Breastfeeding can be challenging and, you may feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Remember that while these feelings are normal, they can negatively impact your breastfeeding journey. I want you to enjoy and cherish these special moments with your baby. My goal is to educate and support you with your breastfeeding challenges. I will prepare you for the beautiful journey of breastfeeding and help you navigate through common breastfeeding myths. All my shared knowledge and hands-on experience will empower you with information and confidence to make the best choices for you and your baby. Breastfeeding is the most beautiful gift you can give your baby.

Let me help you.

Breastfeeding is natural, but not always easy


I provide help with everything from your initial breastfeeding plan to coaching and education through the entire process. I am more than your average lactation consultant. I am your partner. Which means you are included in every decision made about your baby. As we partner together, I will explore the latest information and techniques with you as we navigate this incredible journey called motherhood.

Breastfeeding issues are not uncommon

My goal is to help you have a healthy breastfeeding relationship with your baby. First, I will take the time needed to understand your medical history and your goals. 
Then, I will determine your specific area of need, whether working with lactation devices such as a breast pump or helping you find that perfect positioning for your baby to latch on comfortably. Together we can create a plan that works for you and your baby.

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Montgomery, Tx

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